Tip of the Week - Bring Butt Pads
Picture of Avi Kleiman in a couloir

By Avi Kleiman

Bring Butt Pads

Because we want you to be comfortable in the backcountry!

Maintaining good posture is the key to surviving long strenuous hikes.  This rule does not only apply to the hiking part.  While sitting down on any random rock, log, or mound of snow may look cool for your next instagram post, it takes its toll on your body and your pants.

I recommend bringing a simple little foam butt pad to bust out whenever you’re taking a break for more than a couple minutes.  They are light and you can strap them to the outside of your backpack if you are tight on space.

Not only for comfort, butt pads also protect the rear end of your pants from dirt, water, and snow.  This will extend the life of your expensive hiking/snow pants.  The rear protection is particularly important in the winter when staying dry is how you will stay warm.  It also makes for a much warmer seat when relaxing at camp after a long day climbing mountains.

A tip to get a cheap but functional butt pad:

– Go to your local camping store and buy a simple foam sleeping pad (usually $10-$15).
– Next, use scissors to cut this pad to the desired size for a comfortable fit under your buttocks.

Now a single inexpensive purchase gets you 4 or 5 butt pads!  Split it with your friends or keep the extras as backups (bringing a backup butt pad on a trip for a friend is a great way to gain their appreciation 😉).

Stay safe, stay Savvy, and get out there!

Avi Kleiman
Founder, Savvy Touring Company Ltd.
For Life in the Backcountry