Tip of the Week - Use a Snack Pocket
Picture of Avi Kleiman in a couloir

By Avi Kleiman

Use a Snack Pocket


When you are out on a long tour in the backcountry, you don’t want to remove your backpack every time you need a snack (bonus tip: cut down the amount of times you take off and put on your big camping backpack to save energy). For this reason, it is good to keep your snacks accessible. Also, on longer hikes its advisable to snack throughout the day rather than sit for a big meal. But, there is another very good reason to keep your snacks in a pocket.

No matter what the snack – energy bar, gummies, jerky, cheese, or even nuts and seeds – when left in your backpack in frosty mountain temperatures, they are going to freeze. It can be frustrating to need some calories only to burn more energy trying to bite a chunk off a frozen bar. Furthermore, you are risking the structural integrity of your teeth!

So, next time you’re ski touring, have a designated snack pocket that will be accessible and warm. Your stomach and your teeth will thank you.

Stay safe, stay Savvy, and get out there!

Avi Kleiman
Founder, Savvy Touring Company Ltd.
For Life in the Backcountry