Savvy Sender of the Month: Episode 1 – Jack Roberts

Savvy Sender of the Month: Episode 1 - Jack Roberts

Savvy Sender of the Month: Episode 1 – Jack Roberts

Welcome to Savvy Sender of the Month; where we cover 1 rad person per month who is in the climbing, skiing, snowboarding, or mountaineering world.

This month, Luke interviews Jack Roberts who recently completed the famous Tantalus Traverse near Squamish, BC.  In addition to his mountaineering feats, Jack recently competed in his first ultra marathon where he finished in 2nd place!

Jack discusses why the mountains appeal to him, his favorite climbing gear, a healthy diet, training methods, and much more.  Check out the video below!

Transcibed from video:

all right guys welcome to episode one of Savvy sender of the month where we cover
one rad person a month who’s in the climbing skiing snowboarding or
mountaineering world today I’m sitting here with my good mate Jack what’s going on today
brother so you’re fresh off uh the tunnel is Traverse number one and then
your first ultra marathon what is your why like why do you climb and why do you
run I don’t know there’s so many variations
to why it’s more like the fear of who I was than anything
science like they used to be an athlete and then I
wasn’t an athlete and then my life deteriorated without even
knowing and then finding it then realizing then not
wanting to lose it I suppose and then with the tanzibus it’s the passion yeah
that the psych seeing it every day driving past it
yeah I know that I know that feeling man yeah and then the running is just bliss now did you
originally um develop your passion for running because you wanted to be in better shape
and climb harder or was it or did you just like running on it for its own sake
so I I remember being this good around him yeah when I was boxing
I could just remember being good at it and not thinking it’s hard but I never realized that I liked it
until covered and then it was like no other way to exercise so
I just started running and exercising in my house and then I realized how good running is
for me I guess before before we leave
um this topic of like your achievements I want to touch on the channel is
Traverse because it’s it’s been something that’s been in my eyesight for you know like the entirety of my life
almost because I I drive I’ve been driving the Cedar Sky Highway up to Whistler and you pass by the town of
Springs like you mentioned like every time right but um for me to say that like I’ve been
dreaming of doing the Traverse that’s only been like maybe a couple years old and I know I’ll do it I’ll probably do
it with you at some point but uh I wanted to ask you was there like one moment on that Traverse where it like
really hit home for you or like a handful of moments like can you pick one
where it was like wow it was well
somebody failed me and free me too right I remember you telling me and then uh
it’s not gonna happen this year you know I was just like I put it to bed and then Adria the CM
she put it back in my head
into storage something that didn’t happen
all right all right before the camera’s caught there I was asking you about the
most profound moment on the panel is Traverse you were telling me you had
planned it and with a few buddies but then had to bail yeah yeah yeah okay so
yeah that was it really yeah you bailed after 10 hours and it was a gonna be a three-hour hike
I’ll be after 10 hours we all started by it realizing yeah you should go down I
think right okay and then you then you do it then you do it with Adria yeah yeah so she was the one who actually
said to me if you can’t find a person that I’ll do yeah yeah and then that gave me some head of stove so then I was
like yeah let’s do this yeah but yeah there’s many many moments my my favorite
moment was first day we get up to like the first
Peak yeah and then um we’ve got a long way to go it’s scary
out across the whole tourists yeah so we dropped down and we
we get close to our camp and it’s well we didn’t choose to count there before yeah it’s like are we going to Camp soon
because it’s gonna get dark and it’s mosquitoes everywhere they’re like landing on us yeah I’m over it Adria is
over it and then uh but yeah that was a moment it was like okay chill out eating all this food yeah we
uh we’re gonna wait we tried doing it in two days and then we hadn’t even started
Traverse and they want so yeah yeah okay we had to ration from that day you’re right but
there’s a few epic moments so after these uh accomplishments I’m wondering
man how did you get here this place you are today to how did you become the athlete that you are today
I suppose it’s just the full process that goes
with my head mindset yes definitely is there any serious like mindset shift
that you can pinpoint where like things really change for them yeah it’s me
where we mentioned that brother yeah Lighthouse Park and it was like
I was trying to shift into the way that you had already gone with like
stepping away from alcohol going towards mountaineering climate and I was ah you
know I can’t do it and then you was like ah yeah you can if I did it you did it and then I was like yeah he’s got he’s
got a point so I tried it and then I could just uh and then you took off yeah and then yeah it was just back and forth
and then you back and forth yeah just growth it was huge growth that
summer I lost 20 pounds 55 pounds and I’d see it’s mum
yeah you got Shredder yeah
I was like almost yeah but that’s the way right I’m the same man you got to go to the extremes of each end of the pole
to find the balance right to find the Middle Point yeah yeah it’s been real extreme yeah what’s up next for you like
what’s the next big objective you got on your mind I’m sure you got another 50k another 50k yeah like two weeks yeah
I haven’t ran since my last run yeah and your first 50k I gotta mention you got oh that was
well I did a 60k in December okay okay but it was the first race I ever did
yeah on my 50K two weeks ago so and this 50k that you
just run you got a Podium finish on it yeah yeah second place dude that’s
pretty insane yeah 19. now were you more proud of that or the channel is Traverse
or are those hard to or those hard to um compare I can’t compare yeah any
anything really yeah it’s just it’s just it’s more like a ball roll like into the
next thing yeah snowball I hope the snow goes to the next keep the momentum going it’s just like I don’t really want to think about that I don’t really I don’t
know that’s my worst thing I don’t think about what I’ve done I I translate it I’ve done this so now I can do that oh
there’s Merit in there man there’s always time to reflect and yeah I should reflect more maybe
reflection yeah exactly I ask you this one I’m sure all the
ladies will want to know after this interview or are you taken yeah yeah yeah her name’s Adrian Adria of course
and you did the tanless Traverse with it yeah she’s a badass I’ve I’ve met her we
hung out once um and she’s a certified badass to do the channel is Traverse
that’s something and and she had it repelled yeah ever before like a week
before was gone and I she was like I haven’t I’ve been gonna be doing this
smells like I was like you know how to prepare don’t you she’s like [Music]
that’s wild I could YouTube it I was like let’s go out to the smooth class
and this is powerful a bit just and then she’s like she’s an engineer so her brain will just
show her and then it’s just like absorbed yeah quit comes down I’m like do it again do it again she’d do like a
certain times she said it’s bored just just a few hours of practice and then straight to the tourists yeah a few days
later I did like even in on the Traverse is repelling down to Gnarly stuff I bet
and there’s a Rock full yeah Ally you’d expect like a beginner in the mountains
tonight shaken and she’s just like this is what it is yeah no Jimmy lag
what do you mean like I’m sorry but it is broke down and The Rock’s coming down she’s like
just loving it amazing so it’s pretty pretty cool yeah but yeah yeah anything sounds like you found the
right woman man um who’s your favorite person to climb uh
mountains with that’s so hot yeah you got you got a few
really good climate Partners I mean my most successful climbing buddy is Ben
like we there’s more Alpine climbing yeah there’s mountaineering is
more like a group of people that I go to and like is whoever I
really you got a pool yeah wants to do it I find that person who wants to do it
never go we can’t really choose because everyone has great qualities but yeah you got a good group of capable athletes
I think yeah too yeah depending on the objective yeah and then can you actually just break down the main difference
between mountaineering and Alpine climbing
low grade climbing on it yeah I’d say like five five five six you can’t do
that five nine five ten right there’s no problem with that but yeah with alpine climbing you’re but what I’ve done is
like go to a base of a camp and they’ve quite loads of different routes in the Alpine right okay big boot wall stuff
yeah yeah well I suppose that yeah but big ovals and then just like no no
yeah that’s that’s clear yeah I got you so uh this one’s kind of similar to your
why but it’s like what gets you up in the morning you know what drives you today
I got a map like don’t really play
like I get up fine wake up finally go to work fine there’s no questions asked so just
do that yeah like I just know that’s the part
that gets me to the place to like well I want to do things like buy stuff
going places cool places yeah so let’s say I just want to venture and see
I don’t know best Summits or the best climbs and how to do that with the best
gear I suppose yeah so almost like your desire for exploration of the world is yeah it’s draining it if I think if I
didn’t climb I’d be traveling in the world yes so yeah you’re an explorer at heart nothing
exactly yeah I know this one’s like a hard question but if you could choose what’s your biggest accomplishment to
date that you’re most proud of and then you know to make it easier maybe we want to split it into like mountaineering
climbing and then and then running if if that’s easier for you or just one if you could pick one ah yeah
both of them there’s a moment where I overcome something yeah in my head yeah
still like climbing the mountain it’s just like this graceful moment and you’re
just like looking around and it’s just Bliss and nothing matters and then same with
running you’re like 20K in or like 10K and you’re like
20K nothing hurts 30k and you’re like holy hell like that we’re doing this and then
be like your fastest split times the last 5K in the whole race so yeah it’s
just it’s just different yeah that’s just that moment when you beat the doubts you
know might improve to yourself that yeah so I think the biggest accomplishment is finding that yeah that place that place
because then I know how to get out of like other anxieties of life I guess who inspires you like
could be family friends Professionals in the world but like who do you really
look up to who do you want to emulate uh as a character uh there’s a love
pretty hardcore people yeah I like
yeah that I really like to like if you could give me like top one or top three you know uh
uh it’s so like Mike Tyson Mike Tyson is a huge one at the moment I don’t know why yeah
it’s made me too very young childhood
I don’t know like the philosophy behind some of the stuff that he got given in his boxing trainer and then there’s uh
coming his name David Goggins yeah David Goggins it’s more like he was just like you turn everything around for me nice
like other than you it’s like you showed me him oh my God this guy is like yeah he had
the life I saw a dead time like right you know yeah and it was like they show
you what you can be if you’re willing to just like suck it up and get get it done yeah get out go
and then one day you’ll be where you want to be
just gonna keep getting up and doing it don’t stop yeah those are the
forerunners man it was important too to look to leaders like that and yeah
realize that it’s possible for us too yeah do you have a favorite um what’s your favorite piece of
backcountry gear like if you could choose one you know it could be like a tent stove or like a piece of like Trad
climbing gear like do you have a p a favorite piece of gear or just like the engineering on this thing it’s like so
good but you know like sometimes I find myself in the mountains just like really appreciating the complexity and the
engineering of Backcountry gear and just like how easy it’s made living in the back country now
yeah like compared to the old days oh man I feel like it’s a backpack a
backpack like you can have the worst time but with your backpack it’s like at
least by my back yeah at least it’s okay it needs some little balance like in every step like nice it’s a bit weird
but like when you’ve got a rope and then all the other gear crammed in there and it’s just like if it’s nice and neat
it just feels so much more stable that’s so true man and I feel like I overlooked that you’re right a good bag is critical
yeah it’s so great I found it on last year yeah I had it free dialed on two
trips yeah nice nice other than that I do love
climbing gear I do like a yellow like a yellow Cannon Wild Country okay
here we go yeah I don’t even know what that is you take away it’s not you just you know
it’s a good hand crack yeah and you whip on that you just know he’s got it yeah you’re security a lot of people like the
green yeah okay but so what’s your other favorite pastime
other than other than climbing mountains Bolton boxing yeah yeah nice 100 and you
grew up boxing yeah yeah yeah eight nine years back in England Yeah Yeah from ages right
I don’t know since I can remember that was like the thing I was
putting newspapers into like books and like keeping them and writing about them
such a young age my granddad’s used to that well teach me and then that makes sense so what Mike
Tyson you look up to Mike Tyson still yeah and I only realize I only recently started looking into his actual actual
story background I see and he just started really opening up yeah yeah and it’s incredible and I was like wow like yeah I didn’t even
care about him before I read his book like you know he said he’s just kind of loud yeah talk about this new stuff and
I’ll just think it’s inspiring because you forget like where people come from more than like
what’s your what’s your diet look like like what are you eating these days I know you’ve kind of experimented like me
yeah yeah what do you what are you on right now oh God said a lot a lot of weird things
not weird it’s just like I can’t find the diet that I want yeah okay so you’re still
experimenting yeah like just cannot find the right diet and I just don’t even
know if it’s should be a thing yeah I should just eat and exercise you know
yeah eat clean and exercise don’t yeah bad I just need to eat clean I think yeah
and that’s an eating clean you mean just avoiding the process yeah yeah process that sugars yeah sugars is
my ongoing the battle in that is so hard uh that
that actually uh leads into one of the questions I was going to ask you what’s your you know what’s your favorite
guilty pleasure like for me it’s a good pizza or a really good cheeseburger yeah
what’s that for you I was a guilty pleasure slide it can’t just be one meal it’s gonna be
like a city it’s gonna be a city you know you’ve got your chicken wings
you’ve got your pizza then you’ve got your heart and Daughter’s Eyes oh okay Haagen-Dazs at the end yeah yeah
yeah that’s like it happens more than learning
but I uh you can afford it I can afford it but like the high output and yeah
yeah you know input to the output ratio is pretty good yeah there’s definitely not my longevity you know no you should
have to like remember but coming off the ultra
yeah and before I fueled out for like two weeks and got like really carb
loaded yeah and like so much water retention and as I started to feel
disgusting just before the race as I am laying in the bed and ages are you gonna do great just chill
out I feel like I’m over I haven’t really been exercising I
haven’t even like been running barely this past season yeah
just chill out you got this yeah and then there the race diet
yeah just calling about 20 I was like I’m so fueled no I don’t feel tired the
reserves kept down yes and then afterwards it’s like
just fell nutritionalized very well still nice so
I didn’t plan fatigue as bad yeah still headline some fatigue but yeah
it worked though yeah how often do you train uh whether that be climbing or
running um and like what does that look like for you yeah it’s
pretty much every day I’d say every day if it’s not every day it’s because I’m
resting because there’s an injury that I might have to repair for and even then it’s like
rest next day I’ll just work on a different muscle group that doesn’t affect that
muscle nice like I haven’t ongoing tweet come on back that just keeps tweaking
and it’s not even from climbing yeah hard or anything it’s just
from overworking yourself yeah I think maybe that yeah and maybe just not
warming up as much as I should I know that yep and resume yeah and a injury at
work that happened three years ago yeah so yeah it could be all free it’s just
need the balance I guess yeah I’m the same though as you know man it’s it’s like I have the same mindset too I’m
like I don’t need to get my whole body rest you can just work different muscle groups and more of an active rest right yeah yeah yeah and it’s like
so I stopped running to climb for the whole like since January I did just to
focus all your energy on Monday yeah yeah so I just didn’t want to like any other muscle group yeah it was just like
focused on climbing all the way up to August nice and then I had the August
race and for a month for this September I had the race so September I
had the race and now it’s back to climbing yeah so full Focus yeah so my hands and arms
were pretty rested for a good month so now I feel pretty strongly coming back yeah I had a load of guns yeah yeah
take me through your most like Optimal day like what’s it what’s the best day to look like for you
wake up yeah I always wake up same time six a.m
six a.m six five if um really tired 6 45
but yeah just wake up hydrate water brush my teeth
I don’t really wash in the morning I live in the other hand yes so you know
and then Squamish lifestyle cook some eggs yeah eat some eggs
and now it’s a really good day oh just the run just gets me in a headspace
where I will have a good day after yeah meditation almost yes pretty crazy just
like just kidding them yeah and then or just climb just go climb just go straight to the climbing after a bit if
it’s just like like a fun day although I just feel great yeah that’s probably a perfect day
for me what’s uh you know what’s your biggest pet peeve now you could say like
um something that really bothers you
um either in yourself or in another person you know quite often those are
the same things because we project right yeah yeah what would that be
um it’s got to be
being misled on like
other knowledge okay that’s life songs has come out with knowledge and I just take it on and I’ll just like believe it
and never go tell someone else all right so it’s like me not really doing a
background check yeah and that’s mainly dietary food like misleading me through
diets or misleading me from like nutrition or
I don’t know I just thought me not diving into some me diving into
something without even taking the correct precaution I guess I guess yeah because then it’s like annoying because
I’m like why did I do that because I was doing good now I’ve changed my diet and
now yeah doing as good as it was and it’s like why did I do that there’s nothing to do like
with I don’t know we get projected like this is the correct way on social media yeah you shouldn’t eat this you
shouldn’t eat this and it’s like oh God damn it well no and it’s and it’s tough I I get that because it’s like you know
um we only have so much bandwidth to expand like each day or whatever right
so it’s like I feel like in the past it was a thing where we could trust these
um figures of authority in certain areas right and it’s like okay so then like that way I don’t have to do the research
on that thing because I should be able to trust a doctor yeah you know for when I when they’re telling me these things
or whatever I should be able to trust like a news anchor that they’re giving me the proper news but it’s not the case
anymore now right now it’s like we actually have to go dig and do our own research so I get it again I got
seriously ill because I was because you were listening to like false advice yeah for my body
yeah and then yeah I was having like all types of injuries and feeling super fatigue all the time
I feel like it by progress in that year just was like terrible and it’s like a
wasted year of climbing and running yeah and I was like now look back how’s that
as annoying like that’s a long year yeah I was just like
it’s like super depressed as well because I was so malnourished and do you think do you think like you’re
um kind of I missed late I’m easily misled I think I think yeah it’s because
I like the sound of it and do you think like why that bothers you do you think that’s more because of like kind of what
I mentioned like you should be able to trust these people um for what they’re saying or are you
more angry at yourself for not doing the research and kind of
just being lazy in that regard after I’m lazy with that regard for sure I just
want the easiest way yeah as if people could just you know not give you false
information yeah thank you if people just come out on this side this that
works for me maybe it works for you but they don’t know see this will work yes and I feel like just a wording yeah
that’s and it’s extremely important and there’s something like Primal within us I think that can call
on someone when they’re speaking like that right but it’s like yeah you can resonate with someone when it’s like this works for me yeah yeah
maybe it’ll work for you yeah yeah you should think about this Yep this is this is a tough question to answer
um you know I haven’t even thought much about this question for myself but what’s the favorite thing
what’s your favorite thing about yourself like it could be a character trait
um or like a virtue that you believe you possess like what would be your favorite
yourself this uh
I feel like I’m pretty calm like
calling hard situations and I like that yeah like it can just be
present and not panic yeah and I feel like I can sometimes help with other people
when they’re panicking because I’m not panicking yes and then I calm them down yeah it’s happened a few times
but other than that I feel like I sometimes can uplift people like absolutely man like you gave me some
traits like I don’t know you like health food like ways to think about yourself
and now I sort of pass that on yeah so when I see people that need a help sometimes I’ll pass it on and be like
that you know you’re doing this good and follow that don’t focus on this just yet
yeah I appreciate it one by one do it piece by piece I
sometimes I think you’re the best yeah like advice but I say let this work for
me right to get out of the situation like maybe it could help you yeah and um
sometimes I’m that friend yeah yeah and that that’s like one of the most powerful things for me to be that
example for someone and that really does tie into what you mentioned being that
almost like pillar of stability right and it’s like that’s a
very helpful thing for people in a chaotic situation or a chaotic time in
their life to see you so level-headed level-minded level bodied and especially from where I
came from yeah right and that’s huge too when when you’re when you’re I imagine
when you’re climbing and to have someone you know because Jimmy the egg or whatever but they see you they look up
to you and they’re like yeah and it’s also like
I don’t know me not drinking anymore yeah seeing you not drink helped me not
drink yeah and then I met a friend’s dad and he didn’t drink so I was like right these two guys have given me power yeah
don’t we give each other power yeah exactly I was talking about helping each other out yeah so then there’s other
people that have come to me I’ve got to help them to send it it’s amazing you can do that
I did it yeah yeah so have I it’s just an ongoing effect
that I like yeah I like people coming to me pay it forward yeah exactly that’s
beautiful what’s the most challenging thing you’re dealing with internally right now like the an internal struggle
something you’re working on something you feel that’s holding you back
freedom freedom yeah so it’s like yeah having a joke
but wanting to go places and it’s like I just got my Visa
approval for permanent residency so I could be here for five years but if I do another two years I get
citizenship which I really want but then there’s two years of staying in Squamish which is good yeah there’s six
years till I can climb good rock again six months six months yeah good ride
again yeah which is a long six months but it’s like I don’t know you just
source of stability like having a like a an easy life which is also quite scary
but like you mean like if you were just complacent and taking the easy route like that’s scary yeah yes yeah so like
I could just travel and just make it work yeah but I also want to have other
bigger goals in the future yeah and balancing those yeah balancing the short term with the long term so that that’s
the hardest thing they are dealing with like the balance if what I’ve won and
what I have to do yep buddy I can resonate with yeah my yeah my why is
freedom and I realize that like in order to achieve the freedom that I want I I
need to sacrifice short terms for it yeah yeah like I enjoy I enjoy I enjoy
it but but I get it man and yeah like that is that is my internal struggle too yeah it’s about Freedom yeah yeah for
sure yeah so we’re kind of talking about this earlier um and it’s a bit of a difficult
question to answer for some people but where do you plan to be in one year’s time you know
um yeah with your vocation with like your climbing uh maybe with your
relationship like what do you see yourself falling here I definitely want to get a hundred mile
running 100 miles in one year like yeah just get like five one night yeah I
don’t know if one year ago maybe 100 kilometers maybe first that’s seriously
audacious I want to build to it yeah my buddy just did it wow wow and he just did it in like
is December was his first Ultra and that was the 60k okay before that here’s a
short distance Runner and then you just did 100K in like I think 12 hours and saying wow like he’s
he’s just went after it and he did it in like nine ten months or something so
it’s definitely doable yeah but I also don’t want to like focus more time on that so it’s like I have to show
me mad goals yeah about what’s in all those
well whatever comes I guess I don’t I’m not even pushing or pressing for it because I feel like it ends up drifting
away more but if you’re chasing it yeah yeah so it’s more like I’ve just got like a
manifestations I’m still good and then pop up one month and I’m like yeah
yes or should I work towards that and it’s like is it Outreach yeah maybe we’ll go for that
and then all of a sudden it’s like okay I feel fit enough just to do that um because I didn’t even train for the 50k
it just I felt fair enough for it I suppose yeah before before the binge on their carbs
but um yeah I want to do some big mountains
mountaineering objectives next year yeah next spring Big Mountain here objectives
and you all right I know you’re talking about slassy yeah it’s still up high on the list yeah summertime I feel yeah but
I feel like Mount rainieri Mount Baker yes next year yeah
and like Robson maybe in two fears oh yeah like if I ever if I get the ice
climbing in this winter right and next winter yeah those are some big goals man all right let’s get some Avalanche
I know you’re little yeah yeah
um yeah I’m super excited for that uh guys Jack’s just getting into ski
touring so I’m really fired up to get out there with them this season we’re
going out 100 yeah for sure yeah but then next season we’ll be after some big objectives yeah for sure yeah we’re
going to get it yeah we just needed like one see one under your belt that’s yeah that’s small and then
I guess to end it man like what are you most excited about right now
so I do really think ski touring ski touring there’s a
little buzz there I’d like to hear that and then there’s because you’re coming into the winter it’s ice climbing I’ve
got a few ice climbing buddies that I’m hoping they’re gonna take me out because I took my free day course but yeah right
I need to get a few uh top ropes in before I start leading for sure
but yeah that’s another Beast yeah yeah I feel like that’s another seeds in a way till I can lead on that right but
nah it’s just taking it as a slow process it’ll all come together when it
comes yeah so maybe yeah excited to dive more into the winter sports eh yeah full
meantime still projecting yeah some roots in Squamish nice I’m just lining
up like a few roots for the next summer spring but yeah buying them out for like
just like sport climbs yeah and Chad climbs that would want to get but that’s it
really just loads of objectives not tips yeah
like even like objectives like last year didn’t get ticked but now it’s like they
probably won’t ever get ticked they’re just like on the back burner I guess yeah like the season number for
that yeah like I don’t even feel like I just want to progress higher yeah
maybe Beauty mate well I’m stoked to get on
the slopes with you yeah and season’s just right around the corner thanks a lot guys peace happy friends

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